Saturday, February 20, 2010

friday follower

this week's friday follower, as randomly chose was @caralikewhoa. Here is what those who know her had to say about her:

@RottnLilMonster @becomingTHEyou Cara is friendly, compassionate,dedicated, a great friend and one of the BEST STLeaders out there! So sayeth me

smashley_ashley @becomingTHEyou i admire @CaraLikeWhoa for her honesty and always wanting to help and work on things with people instead of shutting them out

SunnySideUpB @becomingTHEyou @Caralikewhoa has this way of always making you feel special and appreicated. And she always has a great playlist! <3

kristi_crow @becomingTHEyou @caralikewhoa has been a good friend to me and I miss her!

hollaitsjill @becomingTHEyou Cara is rad. I had a blast hanging out with her in Hershey and I can't wait to see her again in Florida! :)

tashaaa_x3 @becomingtheyou ohh, and cara is amazing :] She's such a sweet heart, and so fun to talk to :]