Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday Follower Thing...for now

Friday Follower will be picked randomly out of a hat every Friday. There are numbers written on paper...each number is a follower (the first person who followed is 1, and so on, so forth) The follower who is picked will be announced on the twitter. That follower should tweet something that they like about themselves, and/or some words or wisdom, inspiration, or advice. In addition, other followers who know that follower can tweet what they like or admire about the follower who was picked.

The first Friday Follower was @Stephumz

smashley_ashley @becomingTHEyou i think @stephumz is a great friend and very dedicated

stephumz @becomingTHEyou Keep your head up no matter what you are going through! Stay positive and you will succeed!


Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't tweet anything yesterday... wasn't sure what all this was about until last night... that, and I really don't know @Stephumz... maybe I'll get to know you :)